GDPR Privacy Notice Opt-in Consent
New legislation General Data Protection Regulations has placed legal obligations on businesses that process personal data and has created rights for people whose personal data is processed.
At Europa Centre, we take your privacy seriously and ensure your personal information is kept secure. We will only use your personal information for contractual purposes to administer your account or, in the event of an emergency, provide the service you requested from us.
From time to time, we would like to communicate with you, with details of news, events, competitions, and special offers, and respond to any comments or questions you may send us or, about changes to our terms and conditions.
Keeping in contact
By opting into this policy you agree to us contacting you by email or telephone
We will only contact you if you have permitted us to do so.
You may also opt-out at any time however, we will not be able to contact you from then on.
1. Our club aims to support acceptable behaviour and respect for others. Good behaviour is valued and encouraged, e.g., friendliness to others, willingness to share and good manners. We will always explain to a member if their behaviour is unacceptable, e.g., fighting, bullying, bad language, calling names, selfishness, endangering themselves and others. Parents (if applicable) will always be involved in helping us to support continued acceptable behaviour.
2. The Europa Centre is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all members. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. If bullying occurs, members should tell a staff member and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. Europa Centre has an anti-bullying policy as follows: -
3. Bullying will always be reported and dealt with accordingly.
4. Members will be appropriately supported throughout
5. In serious cases, parents will be contacted.
6. If it is considered that a member's behaviour is incompatible with the safe enjoyment of an activity, the Europa Centre reserves the right to exclude any member from taking part in that activity. Under these conditions, no refund will be given.
7. Any complaints can be made in writing to our Operations Manager. Please provide full contact details to ensure the matter can be dealt with swiftly.
8. The Europa Centre has its welfare officers who are available as the first point of contact for any matter concerning a member's welfare. Please see the staff notice board for details on the current officers/representatives.
9. Please consider your actions when using or posting on social media, any comments, pictures etc. and the effect it may have on the Centre, its members, non-members, other sporting clubs/associations or their members. Any derogatory comments made or inappropriate pictures posted about the Centre, its members, non-members, other sporting clubs/associations or their members may result in your membership being terminated.
10. Abuse towards staff, volunteers and members will not be tolerated.
11. The Europa Centre operates a no-refund policy. Credits will only be considered for medical reasons supported by a doctor's note at the discretion of the management.
Personal Property
1. Lockers are available for our members outside the toilets and in the changing rooms.
2. The Europa Centre cannot be held responsible for any items that are lost or stolen on the premises. The Europa Centre is a multi-activity venue. The Centre is used by various sporting hirers; therefore, the Europa Centre cannot be held responsible for any lost or stolen items anywhere in the building. Our advice is to clearly label all belongings with their name. We advise that you do not bring any items of value such as jewellery, watches, mobile phones, tablets etc.
3. Please ask reception for the location of the Lost Property. Please note that during the children's school holidays all lost property will be disposed of or donated to charity.
1. For safety purposes:
a. Members should wear comfortable clothing to allow freedom of movement while at the same time clothing must not be too loose-fitting for safety reasons, Denim and crop tops are not allowed. Leotards for girls and leotards & shorts for boys are preferred for gymnastics classes.
b. All long hair must be neatly tied back with no exceptions. Hair beads are not allowed.
c. It is forbidden to wear jewellery of any description in the gymnasium. Religious jewellery must be taped or covered (with high neck, long sleeves or wrist bands etc.).
d. Gymnastic Members must be barefoot during training times unless there are any medical reasons, which should be discussed with the coach in charge of the child's class at the start of the lesson.
e. Children are advised to come already changed in their gymnastics clothing.
Safety & Registrations (Before and After the Class)
1. Parents and other family members are not permitted inside the gymnasium. For activities other than gymnastics please talk to the appropriate responsible person running that particular activity.
2. Children must register at reception upon arrival. Children will be given a card showing their group colour to hand in when entering the gym.
3. You must drop off your child in the gymnastics hall ensuring that they enter the class via the correct gym door when told to do so. The responsibility of the child is then handed over to the Europa Centre staff.
4. While in the gymnasium every effort will be made to ensure the safety of all class members. It is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to ensure their safety when the child is not taking part in their class. The Europa Centre is only responsible for your child while they are taking part in their specific class time not before or after.
5. Parents must not enter the gymnasium. Parents do not need to stay for the duration of the class.
6. Children are allowed to bring a drink into the gym. All drink bottles will be placed in a carrier and held by the coach.
7. Children will be lined up at the end of the class and taken to the parent’s pick-up area. Once the children have been dismissed, they are no longer the responsibility of the Europa Centre Staff.
8. You must collect your child at the parent’s pick-up area unless a member of staff tells you to do otherwise or you have signed to say you are. We do not release the child until they recognise you as their parent. Once the child's class has ended and the child has been returned to you, the responsibility of the child is no longer that of the Europa Centre. Children cannot be left in the centre without supervision if they are not involved in a structured activity. If you are running late, please let us know so that a member of staff can continue to take responsibility for your child until you arrive. We advise that you put our number on your mobile phone so you can easily contact us. If you choose to drop off or collect your child in any other way than stated above, please let us know in writing addressing your intentions to our Welfare Officer and ensuring your child's name is visible, this will also mean that as soon as the class has ended the responsibility of the child is no longer the Europa Centre's. If you choose not to adhere to any of the rules about dropping off and collecting your child then you cannot hold the Europa Centre responsible for the child other than during the class times your child is enrolled in.
9. Toilets: Please ask your child to go to the toilet before the class starts. The children will be required to go to the toilet on their own.
Medical Issues
1. If an applicant has any medical details that we need to know about you must complete the Medical Details section when registering your child.
2. Any child that requires an inhaler must have it marked with the child's name. It should be handed to the coach in charge of the class at the beginning of the lesson for safekeeping and collected again at the end. The Staff may assist the child, but the child must administer the medication. Should your child require other medication they should either be able to administer it themselves, or have a parent or responsible adult at the Centre on hand to do so. Any medical details should be recorded on the Gymnastics Biz portal.
3. If at any time during the membership year your child's medical details change that may affect their participation in any activities, you must update these changes on the Gymnastics Biz portal and inform the coach in charge of your child's class immediately.
4. All incidents and accidents will be recorded.
Photos & Footage
1. From time to time we may take photos or footage of our members in the Centre and place them on our notice board, website, in newspapers, on television or use them for promotional purposes. If you do not wish for the named applicant’s image(s) or footage to be used in any way you must let us know in writing immediately addressing the letter to the "Europa Welfare Officer" ensuring that the applicant’s name is visible. Unfortunately, if you do decide not to allow us to take photos or footage of your child this could result in your child not being able to take part in club events.
Monthly Fees, payments Dates & Class Age Groups
1. Our classes run throughout the year with only a break at Christmas.
2. The preferred way of paying fees is via GoCardless. However, fees can be paid by Cash or Credit/Debit Card (We do not accept American Express). We also take Credit/Debit Card Payments over the phone. We do not post credit card receipts; your receipt will be destroyed after the transaction unless you request us to retain it.
3. Class fees are payable in advance monthly. The number of classes available per Month can be different. This results in a difference in cost per Month. We will send you a statement via email before the fees are due outlining the cost per Month, these are also available at reception. Fees must be paid between the 21st and the 28th of the month for the following month. I.e., You must pay by the 28th September for October.
Class Age Groups and Times
1. Our Pre-School & Recreational classes are structured to follow the national school-age used to assign which school year a child should be in. Towards the end of the school year, we will email all parents who have children that are due to move up to the next class structure.
Pre School Classes - for children aged 3 and 4 years - Various Daytime classes
Recreational Classes
Years Reception Mon - Fri 4-5 pm and Sat 9-10 am
Year 1 - Mon-Fri 4.30-5.30 pm and Sat 9.30-10.30 am
Year 2 - Mon-Fri 5-6 pm and Sat 10-11 am
Year 3 - Mon-Fri 5.30-6.30 pm Sat 10.30-11.30 am
Year 4 - Mon-Fri 6-7 pm and Sat 11 am-12 pm
Year 5 - Mon-Fri 6.30-7.30 pm Sat 11.30-12.30 pm
Years 6+ Mon - Fri 7-8 pm and Sat 12-1 pm
Please note times may vary.
4. If your child attends any classes during a Month then you are liable for the full month regardless of attendance and no refunds will be given.
5. There are no discounts or refunds for illness as you are paying for your child's space within the class. The full month’s payment is due regardless of your child's attendance. If your child does not attend any classes for more than 3 weeks without you notifying us then their space will be given to the next child on the waiting list. If there is a situation where the child has a long-term illness or injury then you will need to discuss the matter with the Reception Coordinator and not assume that you will not be charged if your child is not attending.
6. The Europa Centre runs a Family discount scheme. Discounts on fees are only applicable if you pay at the correct time stated above. The Family Discount is only applicable when paying the full month for all family members at the correct time.
7. Please be aware that if your child decides not to continue at Europa anytime during the membership year, you must inform us before the end of the current month to avoid being liable for the next month's full payment. Membership and Insurance are non-refundable. If you are moving to a new club, your British Gymnastics Membership & Insurance along with your London affiliation can be transferred.
8. We do appreciate that you could at some point in the membership year be going on holiday and the children will not be attending the class they are enrolled into. So, as long as you let us know the classes your child will be missing before you make the payment for the month that includes the classes your child is going to miss, we will discount your fee to a maximum of 3 weeks per membership year. However, this is not possible unless you let us know in advance or if you are paying your child's fees late. The 3 weeks can be taken all at once or as individual weeks.
9. We may also on occasion have to cancel classes due to events taking place at the centre. We will always let you know of any class closures in advance of you paying the monthly fee and will of course discount you accordingly.